Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Foods that help to regulate the thyroid

It is possible that you have already heard of the thyroid and the problems that can lead to health, especially for women. If you don't have clear of what we speak, you should know that it is a gland located in the neck, which interferes with many functions of our body.
This gland is involved in the production of the hormones thyroxine (or T4) and triiodothyronine (or T3), which are those that regulate metabolism and affect the functioning of other organs in our body.
When thyroid functions in normal way, we can take a more free diet, without specific foods. However, when we suffer some kind of anomaly in the thyroid, as for example hyperthyroidism (when the gland produces more hormones that should) or hypothyroidism (produces less hormones than should be), it is necessary to take a special diet, food plays a very important role in improving these conditions and our quality of life.

Foods that help to regulate the thyroid

1- Food to regulate hyperthyroidism:

It is said that a person is suffering from hyperthyroidism when your thyroid gland is very stimulated and produces more hormones which should result in a normal state.
As a result of this excess of hormones, can generate a State of catabolism in the body and, at the same time, loss of weight and muscle mass. For these cases the power must be above all energy and, of course, balanced.

Dairy: milk, yogurt, and cheese:

Milk and yogurt as a usual drink or through different cooking times should be consumed as much as possible.
Prepare an enriched milk using yogurt, sweetened condensed milk, and whole milk powder. You can use the result in your smoothies, fruit, desserts, soups, or to eat cereal.
Do not hesitate to use milk or yogurt to give better flavor to your smoothies and take advantage of its benefits.
It includes cheese on salads, in soups, pasta, or tortillas, among others.

Protein foods: eggs, meat and fish:

Cook an egg, let it harden and chop it in salads, pasta, soups, and vegetables. The same can do with meat and fish, in small portions.
Whisk an egg and add it to soups, soups, creams, sauces or milkshakes.
Get rolls of meat and vegetables, either prepare tortillas stuffed.

Oils and fats:

It uses cream, cream, butter, mayonnaise, olive oil and other fats.

Dried fruits:

Don't forget to increase the consumption of nuts by adding them to salads, casseroles, smoothies or consuming them directly.

Sugar, honey, bread and biscuits:

In moderate amounts, you can add sugar or honey to your milkshakes of fruits, juices, milk or desserts.
You can eat bread and biscuits (comprehensive) in breakfast or snack.
If you like you can eat bread fried with soups and purees.

Foods that help to regulate the thyroid

2- Food to regulate hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism is another anomaly in the thyroid gland that occurs when there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. This ailment usually come accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, hair loss, sleepiness and can produce overweight or obese.
In this case, it is very important to go to an endocrine doctor, because he is the one who can prescribe and monitor the treatment of thyroid hormones oral, as well as a specific diet. In these cases should be a more strict and balanced diet that includes foods from all groups: dairy, raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, protein foods, cereals, fats, among others.

Foods rich in fiber and poor in fats:

Consume lean, like chicken, beef, Turkey and rabbit meat. Fish eggs and blue, and white. All these foods do eat in small portions, preferably 3 to 4 servings per week.
If you want to consume dairy products, these should be skimmed milks and yogurts and low-fat cheeses.
In place are sugar should eat stevia or honey.
Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are consumed raw.
Eat cereals and starches in moderate portions, such as bread, potatoes, rice, legumes, pasta, among others.
It is used as fat, but without exceeding olive oil.
It increases water consumption, drinking herbal teas and juices.
Consumes more lemon and spices.

3- Final tips:

Being a more delicate food and more difficult to treat illness, those who suffer from hypothyroidism should be used forms of cooking such as grilled, oven, boiling, microwave, steam or papillote. If possible avoid the fried, breaded, stew, breaded and canned in oil.
This medical condition requires an increase in physical activity, whether it be walking, running, climbing stairs, bike, or strength exercises. Any voucher.
Meals must be distributed between 4 to 5 servings per day, without calm "snacks" among them.
For any reason, a main meal should jump.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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