Friday, June 26, 2015

How to naturally treat corns

Corns are a thickening of the skin, occurring as a result of a friction or repeated and prolonged pressure. Usually the corns appear in feet, but may also appear on the hands and rarely in other areas of the body. On the hardening of the skin, the surface layer looks like thick, rough and a yellowish color, although sometimes you can have a greyish.
We are all exposed to suffer from this problem and more taking into account the lifestyle we have. Heavy work, the use of certain types of footwear, tools, among others, may be responsible for the appearance of corns. Moreover, leaving aside the aesthetic impact that are also often cause pain. How to treat corns naturally? Read on!

How to naturally treat corns

1- How to treat corns?

There are different home treatments to treat calluses and significantly reduce them. In the case of the feet, recommended is to file before attempting to apply any of the treatments previously. Remember that for that you must use a file for tripe or a pumice stone.


Garlic is one of the most effective before natural antioxid to combat calluses, since it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. To make the treatment all you must do is peel and crush 3 garlic, make a paste with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply it to the area affected every night before going to sleep. You should wrap it in a band to take action all night. When the corn is tender, it will be easier to extract it.

White vinegar:

White vinegar is an element we have at home and can easily acquire on the market. It is nothing strange that is used to remove calluses, as long it is used to relax the feet and combat fungi. In this case you have to do is soak a piece of cotton in white vinegar and then apply it on the affected area. It is placed with a bandage and leave act for 3 hours, then removed half an hour and the procedure is repeated.

How to naturally treat corns


Chamomile is ideal to relieve and soften the hardened skin affected by callus. The only thing you have to do is to prepare an infusion with 4 tablespoons of Chamomile in one liter of water. It dips toes for half an hour and the procedure repeated every day.


The Onion is a food with many medicinal properties, which includes its antibiotic and antiviral power. It is an effective remedy to treat corns, since it helps to remove dead skin cells and softens the hardened area. Cut the onion in half and gently rub into the affected area, preferably every night before going to sleep.


The lemon is known for its antioxidant, cleansing and disinfecting properties. It is ideal to treat calluses and significantly reduce them with a constant treatment. Place a slice of lemon on the affected area and cover it with a bandage before going to sleep. Let it work overnight and repeated the treatment the next day.

Castor oil:

Castor oil has properties that will help to soften and smooth callus. In this case the only thing you have to do is rub a little castor oil in the area twice a day.

How to naturally treat corns

2- Home remedy with aspirin and lemon:

This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat calluses and is very easy to prepare, since we can easily get aspirin at the chemist and the lemon probably have it in our basket.

What should you do?

Get 6 aspirin and blend very well until a fine powder. Then it adds a few drops of lemon and, if necessary, add more aspirin until you get a kind of paste.
Apply the paste over the area affected by the corn and wrap it in plastic until it is protected. Prepares a hot water compress and then apply it on top of the plastic covering the corn and pasta, for 15 minutes.
Compress idea is that heat will help the aspirin to penetrate and help soften the calluses. Finally remove the dough, wash it with hot water, dry and rub with a foot file or a pumice stone. Repeat the procedure to achieve the expected results. As you can see, it is very easy!
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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