Wednesday, June 24, 2015

5 dinners that will help you sleep and rest better

At night should we make food choices that contribute to relax after the day, especially if sleep or rest well costs us. However, often have dinner dishes that we activate or give us energy, which could be very healthy but at other times of the day.
In this article we teach you how to choose the most appropriate ingredients for your dinner and you do some light, delicious and satiating suggestions so after you sleep without problems.

5 dinners that will help you sleep and rest better

1- Previous tips:

Before suggest you some recipes you make some valid general recommendations for all:
Avoid sugars and foods rich in sugars, as in the case of some fruits (peach, melon, apricot, etc.)
Avoid citrus fruits, which are excellent in the morning but instead at night we can reveal. The only exception is the grapefruit, but taking it a long time before or after dinner.
Limit starches and flours: cereals and flours (bread, masses, etc.), starches (potatoes, banana)
It reduces the most fried and pre-cooked foods.
Avoid stimulating food: coffee, cocoa and cola.
Before you choose to fish or egg to meat or sausage.
Do not mix too many different food at dinner (for example: meat and fish).
Dinner not too much or too late. Ideally, no fill at all and dinner before 8 o'clock.
Do not drink plenty of fluids after dinner to avoid having to go to the bathroom.
Do not eat too fast. If you tend to be very hungry, try eating a fruit before dinner and just before you begin to eat you can drink a glass of water.

2- Green gazpacho:

Green vegetables provide us with large amounts of magnesium, a mineral essential to regulate our nervous system and also to get a good relaxation of our muscular system, which tends to be full of tensions after the workday.
For this gazpacho we beat well the following ingredients:

Raw spinach
A little parsley
Olive oil
Apple Cider vinegar
Sea salt
The quantities will depend on our personal taste. Serve it cold.

5 dinners that will help you sleep and rest better

3- Cream of Zucchini, oatmeal and wakame:

OAT is a highly nutritious cereal but that we can take in small measure at night, since it also helps us to regulate our nervous system and combat States of anxiety. Just add a tablespoon of oats in flakes for each portion. It will also great creaminess to the recipe.
Zucchini add it by being very light, since it is very low in calories and yet is very filling due to their fiber content.
The seaweed wakame, rich in minerals, also gives you creaminess, so we add milk to cream.

4- Pepper and mushroom omelet:

Eat some protein at dinner is healthy as long as it is not difficult to digest. The egg is the ideal choice, since it is nutritious and contains a healthy amount of beneficial fats.
The egg allows us to develop all kinds of scrambled and tortillas, and in this case we propose to combine it with peppers and mushrooms for a delicious recipe.
We will accompany the tortilla a little salad and avoid to eat it with bread or other flours.

5 dinners that will help you sleep and rest better

5- Artichokes grilled with grated egg:

The artichokes are very healthy and evening have the virtue of improving the function of our liver, an organ that regenerates in the early hours of the morning.
We can boil to soften them and then cook them on the grill with olive oil and raw garlic.
In addition, to make it a full dish we season with grated hard-cooked egg.

6- Cream of peas and brown rice:

Creams are the best choice for dinner, since to be nutritious, satiety and take hot promote a good night's sleep.
In this cream we suggest using guistantes, which are the more digestive legume and which less flatulence causes. In addition, if we combine them with rice, rich in vitamins and minerals, will get a good dose of vegetable protein that will be very well assimilated by our body.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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