Thursday, June 11, 2015

8 Reasons to add more lemons to your life

Lemon is one of the most common in all households, in addition to being very versatile in cuisine, also is known since ancient times for its medicinal properties that help in prevention and treatment of many diseases.
Surely medical you've met this fruit by the old grandma's home remedies or on the recommendation of someone. The truth is that today most people know many of the properties of the lemons and it has done that, with more desire, all want them included in your diet.

8 Reasons to add more lemons to your life

1- Why are lemons healthy?

Undoubtedly one of the great virtues of lemons is its high content of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, fight disease, and promotes the Elimination of toxins. But in addition to vitamin C, lemon is characterized by almost 30 antioxidant components, many flavonoids as routine, naringenin and hesperidin, lutein; It also contains beta-carotene and caffeic acidio.
All of these components of the lemons make it one of the most powerful and healthy medicinal fruits that can be found. If even you don't begin to consume lemon regularly, then you leave some reasons so you convince yourself of the good that can be included more frequently in your day to day.

2- It strengthens the immune system:

Being rich in vitamin C, lemons are ideal for preventing and combating colds and breathing problems. Moreover, their potassium content stimulate the functions of brain and nerve, also helping to control blood pressure.

3- It can help you lose weight:

Lemon, in addition to vitamin C, also possesses other antioxidants that promote the Elimination of toxins and waste that the body does not need. It is ideal to combat the retention of liquids, and for their content of fibre pectin, it is ideal to control the anxiety about food.

4- It promotes digestion:

In addition to promoting the Elimination of toxins from the body, the lemon stimulates the production of bile, which is essential for proper digestion, avoiding problems such as heartburn, gas and constipation.

5- It cleans the skin:

By its high content of vitamin C, lemon is ideal to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes on the skin. Its antioxidant power helps keep the skin free of impurities and in addition the moistening of the same. These benefits can be leveraged domestic consumption, with both its topical use.

8 Reasons to add more lemons to your life

6- It helps balance the pH:

Maintain a diet rich in alkaline foods is ideal to balance the pH and keep us healthy. Lemon, despite having citric acid, once metabolized, becomes an alkaline that helps balance the pH in your body.

7- Be careful of the view:

Its high content of antioxidants, make a great ally for eye health, since prevents it from degenerative diseases such as loss of vision and cataracts.

8- It favors the cardiovascular system:

The antioxidant powers of the lemon, its content of rutin and hesperidin, make it the ideal partner for the maintenance of the arteries. Thanks to this it is possible to prevent spills in the veins and capillaries, in addition, among other things it prevents the appearance of hemorrhoid or varicose veins, hypertension, prevents the formation of bruises, among others.

9- It helps reduce stress:

Being rich in vitamin C, lemons help keep you active and quiet during the day. Thanks to this, your mind is less exhausted and are at less risk of suffering stress.

10- How can I eat lemons?

As we said at the beginning, lemons are a versatile food that we can include in many preparations. The best way to take advantage of the properties of the lemon is to drink your juice in a glass of warm water, preferably on an empty stomach.
Also is it can easily be included in salads, cocktails, desserts, juices, and take on the classic lemonade.

8 Reasons to add more lemons to your life

Prepare a refreshing lemonade:

In the intense summer days and at any time of the year where we want cool and hydrate, there is nothing more delicious than a good lemonade. Then you leave the steps to do a delicious and refreshing lemonade.


4 lemons
1 litre of water

What should you do?

Cut the lemons in half and squeeze them into a pitcher. Add the liter of water, sweetened with a little honey and finally add a few ice cubes to make it more refreshing. It is ideal for drinking during the day and is also a great way to take advantage of all the properties of the lemon.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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