Saturday, June 20, 2015

Psoriasis can be treated naturally?

Psoriasis is a disease that causes chronic inflammation in the skin of the elbows, knees, scalp, nails, abdomen and back mainly. The appearance is that of a whitish or red scaly skin.
But this disease, which can be hereditary, also can be treated naturally with amazing results. In this article you will learn the guidelines that you must follow.

Psoriasis can be treated naturally?

1- What causes psoriasis?

The hereditary factor of this disease has stood, and although there is a single cause that several triggers are related:

Some drugs such as lithium salts, beta-blockers, antimalarial drug or us nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Psychological issues, stress or emotional trauma
Cold climates
Nutritional deficits or intolerance to certain foods
Endocrine disorders at certain stages (adolescence, menopause, postpartum, etc.)

2- The body wants to eliminate toxins:

Psoriasis is, from a point of view of natural medicine, a way that has the body to eliminate toxins through the skin, while this way make us uncomfortable and unsightly. Therefore, if we help the body eliminate toxins in other ways and try to avoid some factors influencing the disease can notice significant improvements in a short time, but will have to be strict with the guidelines that we can.
Below we explain how we can perform a natural treatment, although we recommend at the same time consult a therapist.

3- Activate the liver, kidneys and intestines:

We must help these organs to function properly, since they are a few large debuggers that if they do not perform well its function will generate more overload of toxins:
To cleanse the body and activate the liver will take in two glasses of warm water, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil extra fasting.
Throughout the day we will drink two litres of water out of the meals to help the kidneys, as well as to avoid salt and salty foods.
If we suffer constipation we will include in our diets naturally high fiber foods (fruit, vegetables, whole grain cereal, pulses, fruits and dried fruits, seeds, etc.) and take seeds of flax and prunes put to soak for a few hours daily.

Psoriasis can be treated naturally?

4- Beware of gluten and lactose:

Investigations have shown as foods that contain gluten and lactose can contribute to worsen psoriasis, we recommend to make a simple home test by eliminating these foods for a month and checking results:
Foods containing gluten: derived from cereals such as wheat, oats, rye and barley (whole grain, flour, pastry, breaded, thickeners, etc.)
Foods with lactose: milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, dessert, drugs, etc.
It should take into account that many packaged foods contain these hidden ingredients, so we have to be strict controlling well labels.

5- Exposure to the Sun:

It has been shown that the weather improves symptoms of psoriasis, and in particular exposure controlled the Sun, by what we post daily for 15 to 30 minutes, without clothes and without sun protection, early hours of the morning or late in the afternoon. Especially on the worst affected areas of your skin.

6- Liquorice infusion baths:

Licorice is a surprising medicinal food that acts as if it were a kind of natural cortisone, with anti-inflammatory function but without side effects. That is why, for people who suffer from psoriasis, especially in times of outbreaks, we recommend lukewarm baths with concentrated infusion of liquorice. They can do it daily until you feel improvement.

7- Brewer's yeast:

The yeast of beer is a food with numerous properties for our health and our beauty, and will act in this case debugging our body through the skin, but also providing the vitamins and minerals needed.
We recommend to take 1 tablespoon daily in the morning, mixed with a bit of juice or water.

Psoriasis can be treated naturally?

8- Flax oil:

Flax seed oil is another ingredient that is very beneficial to the health of our skin, since it provides essential fatty acids and nourishes from the inside, avoiding especially the flaking and itching.
Take two tablespoons per day, alone or mixed with meals.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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