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Uses of apple vinegar as beauty treatment

Apple Cider vinegar is traditionally made with fermentation of sugars, either Apple juice or cider. It is characterized by Malic acid, which provides you with both its value and the smell with which we identify ourselves. This product, in addition to being inexpensive, is also very versatile and many applications that we can give you both in food and in medicine, home and beauty. Surely in your kitchen you have a bottle of Apple Cider vinegar because you like to include in your diet. but so don't limit yourself only with its use in the gastronomy and medical, today you want to publicize many of the uses that have this powerful ingredient in your beauty. 1- Vinegar for hair: This ingredient so inexpensive and easy to find on the market, is one of the best allies to maintain the good health of the scalp, since your application helps to regulate the pH and also prevents and eliminates problems such as dandruff. Its properties help to clean the hair follicles are clogged and

Natural recipes to reaffirm the sagging skin

The sagging skin is a natural process that is taking place as the years pass, as well as also if we fat and thinned sharply. It is more evident in certain parts of the body like, for example, below the jaw and arms. While the sagging skin is not never removed completely, you can improve your appearance. How? Natural recipes to firm sagging skin, avoid the loss of elastin and collagen. 1- Home remedies to reduce sagging: There are quite a few remedies that you can perform at home to recover the natural texture of the skin. Get rid of sagging skin and look younger with these home remedies is quite simple. Egg white mask: Mix a white of egg with 1 tablespoon of Thyme oil and applied as a mask on the face. It is one of the most effective remedies for the sagging skin and wrinkles. Egg stimulates the production of collagen and Thyme oil helps rehydrate skin. This combo serves so that the skin is not "loose". Banana mask: A face mask made with mash a ripe banana,

Benefits of the papaya and its seeds

In some tropical countries it is very common to find papaya trees on all sides. These trees are very easy to maintain, and its fruit is exceptional. It is a powerful defense against cancer and have many curative effects. Until recently it was only one more fruit, but in recent years its advantages you have discovered. 1- Papain health benefits: Papaya contains an enzyme called papain. This chemical is very similar to the enzymes of the pancreas that helps Digest protein. Protein digestive enzymes (also called proteolytic enzymes) can dissolve the protein layer that forms around the cancer cells. This helps the immune system to destroy them more easily. Another enzyme present in papaya is chymopapain. Both chemicals help to make better use of the useful protein from food. Proteolytic enzymes destroy the shields of defense from viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts and various forms of fungi. Once these shields are destroyed, it will be easy to heal. Papain also helps to reduce

How to season foods to leave salt

It might be that you want to eat healthier, or that the doctor has forbidden consumption of salt. You may have high blood pressure or water retention. In all these cases, do not worry, since there are different alternatives that replace the sodium to preparing food. You know how season meals to make salt in the following article. 1- The content of sodium in foods: Sodium is responsible for controlling the levels of water in the body, so, if we consume much, it does dispose of less liquid at kidney level and this liquid can accumulate in different areas, as for example, the ankles. An adult needs 400 mg of salt in total in order to be balanced. Therefore, the excess of sodium in our food (not only the salt you take food, but which is also included in it) increases blood pressure by increasing blood volume. People who have hypertension problems should leave out the salt in the food or you reduce your consumption. The baked products (cookies, breads), products with many preserva

9 Food to keep you well hydrated

During the day, it is essential to drink at least one litre of water out of the food, especially in times of heat or while we carry out exercise, but it is also very important to consume foods rich in water, vitamins and minerals that keep us hydrated and vitality throughout the day. In this way not only we will provide our body the necessary liquid, but that we also feed it healthy. In this article you say what, what benefits you provide and some tips for taking them daily. Discover them! 1- Watermelon: Watermelon is one of the juiciest fruits, since with just bite it it fills the mouth with its juices. Also contains carotenoids, which are great antioxidant and anticancer. An original way to consume it is to beat it with its included seeds, they are also very beneficial. We will not need to add water or to sweeten it, and we can lead us to stay well hydrated. 2- Melon: The melon, especially if it is sweet, is a real delicacy. In addition, it contains only between 20 and

Lose weight with the Mediterranean diet

It is true that there are many types of diet. Perhaps too many. But experts tell us that we must look for those that are more healthy, those who in addition to helping us go losing weight, provide us essential nutrients. The Mediterranean diet stands as an excellent option that you can not miss. The Mediterranean diet is rich in protein, fiber, omega-3, whole, mineral grains, vitamins and more importantly, just there are fat, flour and sugar industry. See it in detail. 1- Why can you help me lose weight the Mediterranean diet? First of all we must say that the Mediterranean diet does not respond directly to a method to lose weight in the strict sense. It is keep a very healthy eating habits where, thanks to its components and their habits, we regulate our weight excluding everything that can make us gain weight, or even sick. Nutritionists tell us that with it, we may lose a kilo a week. By this we mean that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial not only for us, but also for

Medicinal and delicious drinks with pineapple skin

Did you know that you can use the skin of pineapple to prepare delicious drinks and also have medicinal qualities? To combat parasites, the fluid retention, constipation, inflammations, among others. Despise not over this part of the pineapple. In this article you will learn all of its properties and simple step-by-step recipes: cooking with the skin of pineapple and a fermented drink rich in Probiotics 1- Health properties: Whenever the fruits are organic, and if possible, it is recommended to also eat their peeling, since it has many health benefits. In the case of pineapple also, and also with the advantage that it is a fruit that are not usually you take pesticides since it grows without too many problems in general. Main properties: It helps to combat intestinal parasites It helps to have good digestion, thanks to its content of Bromelain, an enzyme that improves the digestive process. It is the ideal dessert when we eat meat or fish. On the other hand, it is not rec
