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Homemade Easy Plum Jam Recipe: A Delicious and Simple Guide

 A lovely way to preserve the fresh flavors of summer plums and enjoy them all year long is to make your plum jam at home. With only a few ingredients needed, this simple plum jam recipe is ideal for novices. Everyone will like the sweet, tangy flavor of plum jam, whether it's spread over toast or used in pastries.

Homemade Easy Plum Jam Recipe A Delicious and Simple Guide

Why Make Plum Jam at Home?

Jams purchased from stores may have extra sugar, artificial flavors, and preservatives added. You can have more control over the ingredients and a tastier, healthier alternative when you make jam at home. Add to that the fact that canning is a great method to decrease food waste and handmade jams are lovely gifts.

Ingredients for Easy Plum Jam

These basic ingredients are all you'll need to prepare this plum jam recipe:

  • 2 pounds (about 1 kg) of ripe plums (any variety will work, but red or purple plums give a vibrant color)
  • 2 cups of sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (to balance sweetness and act as a natural preservative)
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon cinnamon or vanilla extract (for added flavor)

Easy Step-by-Step Directions for Preparing Plum Jam

1. Prepare the Plums

  1. Thoroughly wash the plums to get rid of any pesticides or dirt.
  2. Halve the plums and scoop out the pits. If you want more taste and color, you may leave the skins on.
  3. To aid in the plums' breakdown during cooking, chop them into tiny pieces.

2. Cook the Plums

  1. Put the diced plums, sugar, and lemon juice in a big pot. At this point, you may whisk in vanilla essence or cinnamon for more flavor.
  2. Stir the mixture often to avoid burning while you cook it over medium heat. The sugar will dissolve and the plums will exude their juices while cooking.
  3. Lower the heat to a simmer as soon as the mixture begins to boil.

3. Simmer Until Thickened

  1. Simmer the plum mixture for twenty to thirty minutes, stirring from time to time. The jam will thicken as it boils.
  2. To check the consistency of the jam, put a little dollop on a cold dish. It's done when it sets and wrinkles when you push on it with your finger. If is not, carry on simmering and test every few minutes.

4. Sterilize the Jars

  1. Sterilize your glass jars and set aside while the jam is boiling. To do this, give the jars a good wash in hot, soapy water, and then bake them for ten minutes at 200°F (95°C).
  2. Boil the lids in water for a few minutes to sterilize them.

5. Fill the Jars

  1. Take the jam off the heat as soon as it reaches the required thickness.
  2. Pour the hot jam into the sterilized jars using a ladle and funnel, making sure to leave a ¼-inch gap at the top.
  3. After giving the jars a thorough wipe, replace the lids and screw them shut.

6. Seal the Jars

  1. Water-bath canning involves putting the filled jars in a saucepan of hot water for ten minutes to ensure a good seal. This process keeps the jam fresher for extended storage.
  2. After taking the jars out of the water, place them on a counter covered with towels to cool. You'll hear a popping sound when they cool, which means the jars have sealed correctly.

Homemade Easy Plum Jam Recipe A Delicious and Simple Guide

Storing Your Homemade Plum Jam

Your plum jam can keep for up to a year when sealed and kept in a dark, cold cupboard. Use it within a month after opening and store it in the fridge. If you choose not to can the jam, refrigerate it and use it within a few weeks.

Creative Ways to Use Plum Jam

  • On Toast: Spreading jam over toast, biscuits, or scones for breakfast is the quintessential way to enjoy it.
  • In Yogurt or oats: To add a naturally sweet and tangy taste to yogurt or oats, add a tablespoon of plum jam.
  • As a Filling: Fill cakes, tarts, or biscuits with plum jam. It tastes well with baked items that have vanilla or almond flavors.
  • Glaze for Meats: The sweet-savory flavor of plum jam adds a delightful coating to roasted meats, such as chicken or pig.
  • Turn into Gelato: Swirl some homemade plum jam into your favorite ice cream to give it a delicious taste boost.

Health Benefits of Plums

Plums are nutrient-dense in addition to being tasty. They are abundant in antioxidants that enhance skin health and immune system function, as well as vitamins A, C, and K. When consumed in moderation, plum jam is a healthier option since it contains natural fiber that promotes stable blood sugar levels and facilitates digestion.

Tips for Perfect Plum Jam

Use ripe plums: A jam with ripe plums will be sweeter. Should your plums be underripe, you could want to add a bit extra sugar or allow them to mature for a couple of days.

Modify the sugar: As the jam cooks, taste it and adjust the sugar to your taste. You may cut the sugar in half if you want a less sweet jam, but the thickness and preservation can suffer.

Preserve the color: In addition to improving the flavor, a small amount of lemon juice helps keep the jam's bright color.



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