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Masks to reduce freckles

Women like to have skin clean, smooth and free of any stains. However, there are some problems such as acne, scars and freckles that prevent our skin look as we wish. Freckles are a feature that makes its wearer look cute and unique. If you're that prefer a clean and smooth complexion, you may try any of the following masks to reduce freckles and eventually, perhaps, disappear them.

Masks to reduce freckles

1- What are freckles?

It is important to understand what are freckles since many women feel concerned about its presence. They are only small brown spots that can appear on the skin of the face, arms, and shoulders. They often develop when we spend much time under the Sun and have a very sensitive skin. Freckles are the result of the excessive production of melanin in our skin cells. Many people believe that remove or lighten freckles is impossible, but with care, and the right products can achieve.

2- Lemon mask:

The lemon is a very powerful citrus against freckles and spots caused by the Sun. You must cut and get the juice of a lemon. Once we have the juice in a Cup, take a bit with a cotton ball or swab and apply in areas where we have freckles. After 15 minutes, you should wash the skin with lukewarm water and neutral SOAP and apply a moisturizer with sunscreen.
With lemon, we will see effective results within four weeks, but it is very important to limit your exposure to the Sun. We must also be careful that lemon not between the eyes since this can be very dangerous. The moisturizer is required to prevent drying of the skin that is in contact with the lemon.

3- Strawberries with honey mask:

Strawberries are also a good option to reduce freckles. We cut 4 strawberries into small cubes and add a teaspoon of honey, then we need to create a mask that is uniform. Apply the mask on the skin with freckles and leave to act for 15 - 20 minutes. We then rinsed with warm water and neutral SOAP.
This mask gives us the possibility of reducing freckles while moisturizing the skin thanks to the honey. However, it is important to keep away from sunlight and always use a sunscreen that is at least factor 60. The effects of this mask is begin to see the first month.

4- Aloe vera with peaches:

Aloe vera is known to be an ally of the skin. For this mask we need Cup of aloe vera gel and a ripe peach. Peaches should be cut into small pieces, so that it is easy to create a mask with aloe vera. Once we have the well-made mixture we apply on clean skin, focusing on areas with freckles. Let it act for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If you have a skin that tends to be dry can be a little cream, otherwise, the mask will leave a very soft skin.
The peach and the aloe vera have excellent properties that reduce freckles and sun damage. This mask also has the ability to reduce dryness, closing the pores of the skin and leaves a rich aroma.

5- Mask of oatmeal with milk:

For this mask, we need 30 grams of natural oat flakes, and 4 tablespoons of milk. Put the ingredients in a saucepan or skillet and expect to boil about 7 minutes. When it is ready we turn off the heat and add 3 teaspoons of honey in the mix. We must stir the ingredients and wait until it is warm or cold, as you prefer. When the temperature in that we want to apply the mask on the areas that present freckles and leave to act for 10 minutes. You must rinse with warm water.
This is a fairly effective and soothing mask for skin. Its effects are visible from the first few weeks and help to greatly improve skin.

6- Fruit mask:

The fruits are not only to eat, we can also make their properties from the outside of our bodies. 2 teaspoons of honey, 2 strawberries, a slice of papaya, cucumber and slice of pineapple we need for this mask. We must create a mixture with fruits and add the honey. When mixture is completely homogeneous we apply it on dry skin and cover with a towel. We must wait 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
With this mask, the skin takes advantage of all the benefits of the fruit directly. Since it can be a bit tricky to hold the mask in place because of the properties of the fruit is that we use honey. After using this mask, we must apply a cream with sunscreen and avoid exposure to the Sun's rays.

7- Care to be taken to avoid the appearance of freckles:

Although many people consider that freckles are a feature that brings some beauty who possesses them, also find people who prefer not to have them. If this is your case, have to remember that freckles appear because of melanin the body produces to be long under the rays of the Sun. If you want to avoid that continue to appear you must apply a Sun protective factor 50 or 60 every two hours if you are away from home, use hats and keep your skin hydrated.
These masks will help you to reduce the amount of freckles, but if you do not follow the recommendations given previously, the effects will be reversed. Each mask takes 3-5 weeks to have visible effects, so do not get discouraged if you don't see immediate results.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.



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