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Lose weight eating more fat and more protein

The title of this title may be much surprised readers, but the secret is to know how to choose the right foods, since our body needs fair amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and if we learn to do properly can we achieve an ideal weight without a great effort.
In this article you will learn how you should structure your daily menus so that they are nutritious and will help you lose weight gradually.

Lose weight eating more fat and more protein

1- Fats are necessary:

We have heard so many negative things about fats (foods low in fat, diets low in fat, etc.) who heard this word already feel us fat. But think this is a big mistake and also remove them from our diet or reduce them too can adversely affect our health, since they are essential for many vital functions. And, in addition, slim. The key is to choose fats that are healthy. To do it intelligently, these fats will be assimilated by the organism to perform essential functions, and will not as harmful fats, which are accumulated as reserves in legs, abdomen or buttocks, precisely because the body does not need them. And what are healthy fats that help us to lose weight if we daily consume them in moderation?
Vegetable oils of cold pressure, especially on olive, coconut, of linen and of Sesame
Nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds
Avocado, a fruit of high fat content.
These fats can include them every day in our diet, and to a lesser extent also the following fats are healthy:

Egg yolk
Cottage cheese
Butter or ghee
Blue fish

2- Protein slimming:

The protein helps weight loss, reduces waist and turns fat into muscle. However, since it was discovered that they have not stopped to fashion protein diets in which intends to eat mostly protein. Abuse of something is always negative, but if we exceed the protein, especially if it is of animal origin, will be our liver and kidneys that suffer. For this reason, we recommend to include some protein at every meal, but prioritizing of vegetable origin. According to our Constitution, exercise that we carry out, etc., we will increase or reduce the intake of animal protein, trying to be always of the best quality, preferably organic.

Lose weight eating more fat and more protein

Animal protein:

Meat: (beef, lamb, pork) red and white (chicken, Turkey)
Fish: white (hake, sole, monkfish) and blue (salmon, tuna, swordfish)
Seafood (oysters, shrimp, mussels)
Milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt, butter, cream): cow, goat, sheep

Vegetable protein:

Legumes: beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils.
Nuts: pine nuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios and hazelnuts.
Mushrooms and edible fungi
Fruits: although fruit just contains protein, we highlight the avocado and bananas, which are those that have more.
Cereal: the cereal does not have large amounts of protein, but we emphasize the wheat, semolina, barley and rye. The combination of cereal and legume is ideal to provide a full amount of vegetable protein.
Algae, especially Spirulina
Brewer's yeast
Seitan (wheat gluten)
As the alfalfa seeds

3- What happens with carbohydrates?

Many dietitians recommend to reduce the carbohydrates from the diet to lose weight more easily. Carbohydrates are also essential for health, but we will choose those who contribute energy, since that is its largest property, but that the time will help us lose weight.
Fruits and vegetables provide us with carbohydrates, but we will add also to our menus a part of whole grain cereal, choosing one of the following:

Quinoa (considered a super-food)
On the other hand avoid carbohydrates more fattening and that more damage our health, which are refined cereals and all derived flours:

Pizzas and other bodies

Lose weight eating more fat and more protein

4- Develop menus:

With this information we will try that at each meal there is a part of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, all quality. In the morning, our body will need more carbohydrates, which are those who provide energy for all day, and in Exchange for the night do without them.
In little time, we can notice a great improvement, not only losing weight, but gaining a slender body and provided, without suffering the negative effects of slimming diet unhealthy.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.



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