Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Exercises to strengthen the arms

The arms are a part of the body that many people little attention, although these us are extremely useful when it comes to perform our work daily, everyday, as they have great mobility in several directions. Your joints are quite dynamic, allowing the limb movements of high complexity. They have features such as the ability to rotate our shoulders, elbows and wrists in a circular motion. Similarly, the hands play an indispensable role in our lives, since thumb allows you to grab objects to perform the effect of "clamp" when it joins the rest of the hand.
The muscles of the arms and forearms are quite easy to strengthen, it is a matter of continuous training accompanied by the use of weight, which will facilitate the process of tightening of the microfiber layers that make up the muscle.
Not having access to a specialized center should not become an excuse to show off the arms you both want, because many of their strengthening routines can be done at home without any difficulty; the lack of dumbbells can be replaced with relative weight objects, between 5 and 8 kilos which are ideal for starting our work routine. However, if we have the possibility of joining a gym we must consider it as a good alternative, because this has specialized trainers who will give you the best advice and Polish your technique in the movements.
It is extremely important to acquire a position where the back is straight, as this will minimize the risk of muscular and bone lesions that may be harmful to the proper performance during the activity.

Exercises to strengthen the arms

1-The biceps and triceps:

Our arms are composed of a group of muscles called the biceps and triceps. These muscle areas react noticeably and easy activity, they may see much larger even after exercising for the first time since they are susceptible tissue to the muscle micro tearing due to its size in relation to the body.

1.Exercises for biceps:

Just need a medium height Chair for the popular concentrated, this consists of a movement by moving the arm overhead down holding the weight with the hand; the elbow should be firmly supported on a surface that provide stability, for example, the arm can rest on one of the legs. To perform the movement correctly we must bend and extend the limb in its entirety to work correctly and efficiently.
For next year we have to stand with arms fully extended to the sides of the head. We will proceed to perform bending so that arms go up and hands address close to the shoulders. This movement will stimulate significant increase in muscle mass, being the most effective in strengthening this area.
Chest push-ups are an effective method to increase the muscular arms resistance, since working with auto load, i.e., with the weight of the person, this type of exercise conditions to the muscles to be light and fast, ideal for athletes who need explosion and accompanied by technical movements in power.

Exercises to strengthen the arms

2.Exercises for triceps:

It is worth highlighting the functions of push-ups for this region of the body, this exercise also tones and brings volume to muscle triceps fundamental to provide thrust force, by which athletes such as football players have developed and strong triceps.
Exercise called Cup is quite simple to make, in addition to be very beneficial. All consists in taking the dumbbell or object representing load and lift it with both hands overhead, keeping your elbows back, because these must remain static during the movement, the forearms should raise and lower holding weight. The Cup is an activity that no doubt will improve the appearance of our arms enhancing also the strength in them.
The dipping or funds are very seldom used in the training of arms and back, this exercise consists in holding the weight on bench leaning on your hands. Then proceed to semiflexionar knees and put us in such a way that only our top tips to support weight. Acquire proper posture must down and controlled way up so the trajectory of movement and stimulation of the muscle can be indicated.
Rolling is important and total care of the calories ingested daily, a healthy diet accompanied by abundant hydration always accelerate the process. Decisive factors as lack of sleep and stress should be avoided to the maximum, thus over time tend to impair the body's physical health.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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