Sunday, April 26, 2015

Easy recipes for skin care from within

Normally we take care of our skin from the outside, hydrating it, protecting it from the Sun, exfoliate it, massaging... These care are essential to make it look nice, but still often fail to expected results.
In this article we give you some recipes that will bring you what your skin needs through food, so you include them in your weekly menus and learn to enjoy taking care of yourself.

Easy recipes for skin care from within Exfoliating massage cream

1-Cream of carrot and pumpkin:

This cream is ideal for cold days, is easy to prepare and has a delicious sweet and roasted flavor.
We will fry an onion and when slightly browned, add 4 carrots and half chyle pumpkin, everything well chopped. We will remove some and add three glasses of water, one teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of sea salt.
Let Cook until it is soft and can blend with mixer.
Once served the cream add you a tablespoon of yeast powder or flakes.
What gives us?
The carrots and pumpkin are excellent for the skin, thanks to its content of beta carotene, which helps us to protect it from the sun and get a nice tan.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help us to deal with problems of skin such as dermatitis or psoriasis.
Brewer's yeast, as well as combining very well in taste with the creams of vegetables, is a skin cleanser which helps to eliminate toxins that accumulate in the skin.

Easy recipes for skin care from within Exfoliating massage cream

2-Soup celery, oats and flax:

This soup has a smooth taste, digestive and nutritious at the same time, but above all to cleanse and nutria our skin from the inside.
We'll boil water with small pieces of celery and a little powdered vegetable broth (or of other vegetables that you have). When the vegetables are almost cooked add you two spoonfuls of oatmeal per person and let boil one minute more. When we go to serve the soup we add a tablespoon of flax oil or a tablespoon of ground flax seeds.
Celery is a great blood cleanser that as a result helps us to debug our skin and keep it free of impurities.
Oatmeal is rich in vitamins and minerals that give luminosity and maintain young our skin. Many beauty cream containing between their ingredients.
The linseed oil, rich in essential fatty acids, is excellent for dry and mature skins.

3-Gazpacho cucumber, mint and coconut:

This original gazpacho or vegetable juice is the incoming ideal for hot days, although we can also take in the morning or in the evening as a delicious and healthy snack.
We will beat two cucumbers previously bare, a few sheets of fresh mint and two spoonfuls of extra virgin coconut oil. The result will be a very refreshing juice with a delightful tropical flavor. We it will serve cold good.
Cucumber moisturizes your skin and gives it firmness and helps eliminate excess fluids of our body, also fighting the bags under the eyes.
The fresh mint helps us to regulate excess oil from our skin and also to combat and prevent cases of acne.
Coconut oil, among its many health properties, is an excellent remedy to nourish our skin from the inside how applied directly over it.

Easy recipes for skin care from within Exfoliating massage cream

4-Salad of tomato, avocado, nuts and alfalfa:

For more hot days, we opt for a salad, but we will try to prepare it in a way more original than a simple mixed salad. To this salad, as well as put some green shoots of base (arugula, lettuce, watercress, spinach), we add:
Tomato: rich in beta carotene
Avocado: ideal to nourish our skin thanks to its content of essential fatty acids
Nuts: they also nourish the skin because they have healthy fats
Germinated sprouts: is one of the most complete and nutritious, sprouts especially beneficial for our skin.
Sprouts can buy either way home to prepare.
We season salad with olive oil first cold pressing, a little salt marina and lemon juice or cider vinegar.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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