Monday, November 9, 2015

What are the best vegetables?

Although they are not of the most widely used in some kitchens, this food group within the dry fruits provide a large amount of nutrients, especially fiber. That is why becomes vital consume them every day at home, in order to prevent and treat various diseases. Knows what are the five pulses that are not lacking in your kitchen.

What are the best vegetables?

1- Lentils:

It is a food with a lot of complex carbohydrates that consists of starch. When you combine the lentils with rice becomes a super-food. It provides few greasy and in relation to other legumes don't have a large amount of fibers. In relation to vitamins, offers B1, B3, B6 and folic acid. Also has selenium (protects the cells of the problems that cause free radicals) and iron (ideal for those who have anemia). It is said that the lentils are used to reduce high blood pressure.
You can eat lentils in many ways, either in salad (with tomatoes), as a cream (with sweet potatoes and many spices), like hamburgers (process them together with onion and garlic chopped), as an accompaniment to meats and poultry, such as applesauce (with eggs).

2- Soy:

It is a legume with lots of protein and consumed both by humans and livestock. It is ideal for those who prefer a vegetarian diet, as it can be replaced without problems the protein that contains the meat. Soy brings the 8 essential amino acids needed by the adults, for example. For that the intake is complete, you can accompany with cereals (such as corn, rice or oats), nuts (such as almonds) and other legumes. It is good to reduce the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, relieve the disturbances of the menstruation and menopause and osteoporosis.
Soybeans can be consumed in different ways, such as flour, to prepare Milanese or hamburger; milk, very drink in Asia and that it gets cooking the seed ground; cheese of soy or tofu, it is coagulated milk, tempeh, is fermented seed and swallowed in slices, tuba is the "cream" of the milk very used in the dishes vegans and in the well-known soy sauce, for cymbals sauteed chicken vegetable

What are the best vegetables?

3- Broad beans:

They are known by several names, depending on the subspecies and although its origin is in the Mediterranean and Central Asia, currently is harvested throughout the world. Provides a large amount of water, carbohydrates and proteins. The beans are high in potassium and phosphorus. Are , antirheumatic, diuretic and to help eliminate the cholesterol. They are said to have aphrodisiac effects, cleaned the kidneys and the blood and is very good in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
You can eat beans in various presentations, such as stews. When boils released starch like potatoes. The pasta of beans is very popular and is obtained through the flour of this legume, is a good alternative for celiac patients. Another option for using drugs is like gazpacho, sauteed with vegetables or rice or risotto with peas.

4- Beans:

Also known as "beans" in some countries, is one of the oldest foods to be information. It is started to be grown in the year 7000 A. C. In Mexico. Have a high content in fiber and protein, as well as minerals. The beans white serve to neutralize the acids of the stomach, bring lots of energy, are good for those doing much physical or intellectual activity, strengthen the intestinal flora and increase immunity.
The black bean have a high nutritive value, avoiding the accumulation of the "depurant bad" cholesterol and prevent osteoporosis. Beans beans provide potassium, iodine, and plenty of iron. The beans can be eaten in soups, sauces, stews, salads, casseroles, "Feijoada" (Brazil), locro and stew (Argentina).

What are the best vegetables?

5- Chickpeas:

They have a large amount of nutritional qualities and culinary, the origin of this legume is the Eastern Mediterranean and is widely used in the food of Middle Eastern and Asian. They are rich in starch, lipids, proteins and oleic acid and linoleic acid. They have no cholesterol and bring many fibers. In order to be able to incorporate to the diet amino acids that the chick does not have, it is recommended that you consume them with rice or pasta (also the bread).
Can be eaten roasted, boiled, fried or as flour. The falafel and hummus, for example, are two typical dishes with chickpeas. The first are small balls of chickpea flour fried and the second a paste of cooked chickpeas.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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