Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The best foods to eliminate fatigue

Be tired all day, for more than that to sleep several hours, is not healthy. Not only because we can do nothing of what we have planned, but because in addition the body deteriorates and defenses the fall, causing diseases. To avoid this problem, there are natural alternatives. Discover the best foods to eliminate fatigue in this article.

The best foods to eliminate fatigue

1- Causes of fatigue:

 There are different reasons why a person will fatigue or tires too much. The most common are anemia, disorders of sleep (insomnia, apnea, narcolepsy), headaches, allergies (such as asthma), hypothyroidism, depression, consumption of alcohol, stress and intake of certain medications (antihistamines, anxiolytics, antidepressants, diuretics and steroids among others).
Chronic fatigue syndrome is more common than thought, especially in the major cities of the world and in people aged between 25 and 45 years. It is a condition that begins with flu-like symptoms and can have a duration of more than six months. The degree of fatigue of the patient to determine that you have this problem must be such that decreases by 50% capacity to carry out their daily activities. It can affect the central nervous system, as well as also the immune system and the neuroendocrine.

2- Tips to eliminate fatigue:

 The first thing that must be done is to correct what are called "normal causes of fatigue", i.e., physical exertion, lack of sleep, emotional stress, bad eating habits. Vitamin supplements do not resolve by itself alone the problem but can be of good help during the process.
Some tips to eliminate fatigue are:

 Sleep between six and eight hours a day and pay attention to the quality of sleep
 Eat varied and balanced
 Drink plenty of fluids
 Physical activity moderated two or three times a week
 Meditate or perform any relaxation technique
 Do not change the cycles of sleep and wakefulness
 Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol or tobacco
 Don't leave home without breakfast
 Eat every three hours
 Do not drink too much caffeine, whether in the coffee or tea or soft drinks
 Do not consume energy drinks, less combine them with alcohol

3- The best foods to eliminate fatigue and tiredness:

The best foods to eliminate fatigue


All cereals are good to provide energy, but oats offers better B-complex vitamins, which will serve to be more awake throughout the day. It is recommended especially in children and athletes. Those who are overweight should consume with caution. Half a cup a day (two tablespoons) is the proper dose, better at breakfast.


Includes Red, white meat fish in your meals to provide iron to your body, thus preventing anemia. In addition, the meat has a tryptophan, an amino acid that is responsible for increasing serotonin, a neurotransmitter that acts as a powerful anti-depressant and has good effects on insomnia. The fish is most advisable for its values of Omega 3 fatty acids. The recommended amount is a medium-sized portion per day (preferably at noon) of the different groups, interspersed.

Chia seeds and flax:

They are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 9 and other nutrients that make them super foods to eliminate fatigue and tiredness. You can include them in all kinds of preparations, such as soups, sauces, salads, cakes, etc. By day, it is advisable to consume two tablespoons of size dessert.


They provide many nutrients, especially iron and carbohydrates. For more than that it is more related to cold or winter food, is recommended keep consuming it in summer and spring. You can enjoy the cold lentil salad or as burgers. For vegetable iron to take advantage better it is necessary that you also consume vitamin C. This is solved with an orange for dessert. A cup per week is perfect.

The best foods to eliminate fatigue


More is nuts of energy that exist, they provide calories, but the good thing is that they are a great source of vitamins of the Group B and Omega 3. The portion indicated by day is two units, if you are overweight. If that is not your problem, can double.


This energy food is the favorite of high competition athletes since it has a large amount of carbohydrates (starch). Better eat flour noodles to assimilate is more healthy for the body. Obese or who want to lose weight can not eat more than two times a week a dish every time.


It has a good power input, but also of fat and sugar, so beware of the amount must be that you eat. Bitter or black options are recommended because they have antioxidant properties. At the same time, it provides substances that allow you to lift mood. Between 20 and 30 grams per day are sufficient.


It has more carbohydrates than other fruit and also brings amino acids that promote the formation of serotonin, which has an antidepressant effect. You have to be careful because you do get fat if you eat every day, but as it has potassium and other nutrients, is allowed a small unit on a daily basis.

The best foods to eliminate fatigue


Always prefers the integrals, Bran or Multi grain, which are those who bring you healthy carbohydrates (unlike the bread made with refined flour). It will bring you power for more time and vitamins of the complex B. consumed bread in the morning with breakfast to start the day with all the charged batteries. Up to 3 slices if you want to lose weight or 6 If you are in the normal weight is the recommended portion.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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