Monday, November 9, 2015

How to treat corns naturally

They are really painful and prevent not only walk well, but also perform our daily activities. In most of the times, corns appear by a lack of care of the foot, such an essential part of our body, but that unfortunately does not have the attention it requires. In the following article you will know some recommendations of how to treat corns.

How to treat corns naturally

1- Calluses: to know:

In the first place, you should know that corns appear as a natural response of the body, such as protection of a pressure or fiction reiterated in the area, especially because of the inadequate footwear. Corns can also appear on the hands, if we use too long the same tool, for example. However, those that appear in the feet are more annoying and painful, because they prevent walk normally, put on your shoes, etc.
It is necessary to avoid confusion between the calluses and the "nails". These last are lumps horn with a central core of keratin hardened that hurts if pressed, appear in the joints of the fingers and on the sole of the foot. Corns are larger (can have approximately 2.5 cm long), they have a thick layer of dead skin and appear on the side of the thumb or under the heel. Both can be treated in the same way with home remedies.

How to treat corns naturally

2- Natural Remedies for corns:

Scratch gently with a pumice stone after the bath, with the skin properly clean and dry. Then, rub with a raw onion cut in half and finally, poured some drops of tincture of arnica.
Placed on the callus a clove of garlic well crushed and in possible mixed with olive oil. This helps to soften the skin and go do so increasingly small. Cover with a cloth or canvas and leave all the night.
Develops a pulp crushing 5 or 6 aspirin and mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice and another of water. Placed on the callus wrapped with a hot towel for 10 minutes. The heat will allow the paste penetrates the skin and soften. Then pass the pumice stone to break away the dead skin with more ease.
Some leaves of Leek with a splash of wine vinegar macerated for 24 hours. It applies on the callus for 20 minutes. Then you will just have to remove it gently using an instrument right, sharp and disinfected with alcohol.
Apply several times a day an ointment containing calendula petals so that tissue softens and at the same time, act as a good anti-inflammatory.
Soak your feet for 10 minutes in an infusion made with four tablespoons of Chamomile per liter of water. The water must be warm, leave the feet submerged until it cools. Then, apply a layer of petroleum jelly in the callus and cotton socks.
It is soaked in Apple Cider vinegar bread crumbs and let stand for two days. Placed as a poultice on the callus tissue, for three nights in a row. Before this, feet be immersed in a bowl of warm water to soften callus and make it easier to remove it.
Cut a fresh fig and extracts its pulp. Placed in the callus before going to sleep and hold it there with a gauze, canvas or cotton. In the morning removed with lukewarm water to hot. Leaves that i spent half an hour and removes the dead skin with the pumice stone.
Lava and bore 40 grams of spinach leaves, placed on a gauze pad or bandage and apply on the affected area by way of cataplasm. Leave for 20 minutes and removed. Repeated several consecutive days (about a week), until you start to feel the callus smoother.
Crush a handful of leaves from Evergreen to a paste, adding a tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar. Position in the callus or in dry areas of the skin. Let dry and passes the pumice stone.
Soak your feet in warm for 10 minutes (until it cools). With still wet feet is a tablespoon of baking soda and water, as if it were a paste, making a passage but exerting a little pressure to remove callus. Finish with the pumice stone.
Peel the pineapple and place a slice of the rind around the callus, with the soft inner part touching the skin. He says with a bandage. Left on all night and the morning, leave the foot soak about 10 minutes. Repeated several times until you can remove the callus easily. At least you will need four applications.

How to treat corns naturally

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1/8 cup of oil and rubbed with force the callus. Then passes the pumice stone and ends with a massage with almond oil.
Every day, for two weeks, she rubs Castor in your corn oil, place a piece of lemon peel and a slice of raw tomato. Cover with a bandage. The juices will make the hardness is soft.
Crush a clove of garlic with 1 tablespoon of Ivy, until you get a juice. You soak a gauze and apply directly on the callus. Cover with a cloth and let stand overnight. Repeat daily until the skin is soft.
Take some stems and flowers of nettle and wash them well. Crush to a paste, which you must apply in the callus. To make it simpler, it passes through the blender with a little water. Another interesting option is the Marigold.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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