Monday, November 2, 2015

Benefits of coconut in the kitchen and as a cosmetic oil

Coconut oil was until a few years ago a food exotic and unknown, but increasingly we hear more about it and we found it easy both for culinary use for cosmetic use.
In this article you will learn why you should always have it about and how can take you full advantage to enjoy its therapeutic benefits, as well as excellent cosmetic for your hair, your skin, your teeth, etc.

Benefits of coconut in the kitchen and as a cosmetic oil

1- The coconut, a super food:

In addition to its healthy fatty acids content, the coconut has high levels of protein, folic acid, vitamins group B and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, or potassium.

2- A fat slimming:

One of the most surprising benefits of coconut oil is that despite being a fat, a food that helps us to lose weight. How is it possible? Because thanks to its composition, this oil healthy our metabolism speeds up and becomes energy immediately without having to go through the blood supply.
Besides using it to cook and season, if we want to lose weight we recommend to start the day by taking a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil extra in fasting, removing her mouth and waiting for at least 15 minutes before breakfast.

3- An excellent oil for cooking:

This oil has the property of not oxidize or become toxic as others to be cooked at high temperatures, and in addition manages to maintain its profits despite the heat. Therefore it is the ideal choice for cooking, and will also allow us to give a touch of flavor other than our dishes.
We recommend alternating use with olive oil, which also has numerous health properties.

Benefits of coconut in the kitchen and as a cosmetic oil

4- Healthy and exotic desserts:

Thanks to its soft, sweet and exotic flavor, coconut oil is also ideal for desserts, as we can use it instead of other less healthy fats such as creams or oils of lower quality. We recommend that you add to cakes or biscuits instead of sunflower oil, that you include it in smoothies candy, custard, puddings, cookies, etc.

5- A moisturizer for combination skin:

Coconut oil is very nutritious and allows moisturize in depth, and at the same time has the property of being easily absorbed by the skin, so it is the solution for combination skin, those who have dry areas and fatty areas. Coconut oil will act as controller and our skin will look hydrated and without glare.
We can apply it in the morning and before going to bed.

6- The most moisturizing hair mask:

Many cultures use coconut oil to moisturize the hair, since it helps to prevent dry hair and split ends. To implement it we will do it preferably before washing hair, extending the oil throughout the hair but avoid the roots (unless we also have them too dry and want to moisturize them). We canvass hair and leave to act for half an hour before washing as we usually do. If you have split ends we can also apply a drop of oil after having washed. The hair will look shiny and without curling.

7- A very effective deodorant:

Thanks to its antibacterial properties and its delicious aroma, coconut oil is also a very effective deodorant we can apply directly in the armpits, especially when we suffer irritation or discomfort in that area with other products.

Benefits of coconut in the kitchen and as a cosmetic oil

8- A very natural toothpaste:

Finally, coconut oil is also a remedy for our dental health, and also allows us to develop a toothpaste natural and very effective, especially for cases of dental as caries, gingivitis, sores, scale problems Coconut is rich in lauric acid, which prevents the formation of dental plaque and caries.

What will we need?

Three tablespoons of coconut oil
A tablespoon of cinnamon from gazelle
3 drops of essential oil of oregano, mint and/or or tea tree

How do we prepare it?

Well combine the ingredients with a wooden spoon and save the resulting paste in a glass jar. We use it in the same way as conventional.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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