Sunday, August 2, 2015

Tension headache: easy and effective remedies

Tension-type headache who not has suffered on occasion? That crushing pain and envelope, which can range from the forehead to the nape of the neck, is a constant reality among the population. Sometimes, stress is the main trigger, but there are other factors that we must also take into account.
How to solve it? How to relieve this tension headache until it become chronic?

Tension headache: easy and effective remedies

1- Tension-type headache, the importance of knowing their origin:

The doctors tell us that if we suffer tension headache between 7 and 10 days a month, it can be considered episodic. However, when we are already suffering during two consecutive weeks during all the months, we run the risk of chronic headache.
It is normal, for example, arriving home with that fatigue that focuses in particular on our head. Like a Ribbon that we are surrounded by temples, forehead and nape. As an oppressive Crown. We can differentiate easily from migraine because it is not focused on one side of the head.
But what causes it? What they tend to be more classical tension headache triggers? Given them yourself below so you can have them in mind:
Muscle tension: be a long time in a same position, voltage, as well as monotonous body postures that we maintain for several hours. An example? Be working at a computer or a machine in a factory, which forces us to make repetitive movements.
Beware the view: fix view many hours front to a screen of computer, or be studying for several hours, can lead to visual fatigue which almost always translates into classical tension-type headache.
Stress: do not hesitate. Everyday life, worries, anxiety and all those thoughts, sometimes with high negative charge, bring us always very severe side effects on the physical level. Care. Properly manage our daily stress will allow us to have a better quality of life, and avoid things so common as tension-type headache.
Poor eating habits. Are you that leaves home with a simple coffee? Or that you skip meals in order to lose weight? As it is a high risk for our health, since having less nutrients, we feel weak and therefore often leads to these headaches.
High voltage: high blood pressure is a direct cause of tension-type headache. Headache, dizziness, discomfort... are direct symptoms of which the heart pumps blood more forcefully against the walls of the arteries.

2- Remedies for tension-type headache:

Tension headache: easy and effective remedies

1. Heat treatment:

Heat and cold are effective treatments for stress headaches. But how do we do it? Well, put by case today to arrive home with a nagging headache. What we will do will be to prepare a cold compress soaked with Apple Cider vinegar.
Apple Cider vinegar acts as a good relaxing, so I soak a cloth with it and leave it a few minutes in the refrigerator. Allows you to act on your face 15 minutes, then give you a relaxing shower with hot water. Not very long, just a few minutes under the hot running water to take action in your neck.
Once completed, lie about 15 or 20 minutes and apply another cold compress, but this time, soaked with water infused with Lavender or cold Romero. Easy, very easy and effective.

2. Ginger infusion:

In our space you have spoken many times of the great benefits of ginger. One of their most popular properties is the act as a natural Painkiller and without side effects. It is wonderful.
Its anti-inflammatory power is very effective to eliminate the headache. To benefit from this, do not have more to grate a piece of equivalent to one tablespoon ginger, then, to add to a glass of water boiling. It allows sit and drink slowly.

3. Mint eye mask:

The procedure will be as follows:
We will make an infusion with 10 sheets of mint in half a glass of water. Once you are ready, cool it, for example, in the refrigerator.
It soaks a compress with already fresh infusion.
Lie down and apply on the eyes this compress soaked with peppermint. It remains for at least 20 minutes.
Keep your eyes closed and relax. This will help you, not just by the fact of feeling the freshness, relax your vision, but also the smell of Mint has relaxing actions.
When notes that the compress is hot again, it returns to soak it with fresh infusion.
You can also use peppermint oil.

Tension headache: easy and effective remedies

4. A spoon of olive oil with lemon juice:

This simple remedy is well known. We know that olive oil helps to reduce inflammation, hydrates and promotes circulation. Combined with lemon juice it becomes a natural medication that we will go very well for treating tension-type headache.
You can, for example, take a tablespoon of olive oil with 3 drops of lemon, then, relax on the sofa with the aforementioned Mint compress.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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