Saturday, August 1, 2015

Make your own natural energy drinks

Energy drinks calls or "energy drink" are in fashion. They are non-alcoholic beverages and highlights certain stimulants such as caffeine or taurine, as well as sugars that aim to combat fatigue. But they are suitable for health? In our space, we want to give you some natural alternatives without side effects.
The organisms in food competition brighten us that there is no legislation regarding this type of beverage. They fail as soft drinks, either as food or dietary requirements, and although they act as stimulants, you must be careful with their given consumption side effects us cause if we eat them in excess, or if we are suffering from some kind of ailment. See it in detail.

Make your own natural energy drinks

1- Risks of energy drinks for health:

Recently, the EFSA (European food safety authority), carried out a report which concluded that the consumption of energy drinks is not dangerous whenever it is made properly.
The main risk is two substances, taurine (which may affect our brain) and d-glucuronolactone, which affects above the kidneys. The report indicates that risk margins would arrive when we consume them daily, ideally, not to drink more than 125 ml per day in case of usual consumers. But obviously, the State of health of each person must be known.
One of the main problems of energy drinks are excessive caffeine content and its caloric, much higher amount e.g. to cola drinks. Consuming caffeine regularly, can overstimulate the nervous system and cause headaches.
We consume many energy drinks, can cause arrhythmias, and intestinal problems.
Sometimes we see as in the composition of these drinks, indicated that they have natural elements. Experts tell us that they are really potent diuretics, and that we have to be careful with them.
The composition based on bullfighting, ephedrine, guanine and arginine, may present a serious danger for people with coronary problems and other conditions.
Studies tell us that if we drink two or three cans a day, we can feel headache, anxiety, lack of concentration and mood swings.

2- It produces natural energy drinks:

Coconut and Spirulina:

Make your own natural energy drinks


500 ml coconut water
1 capsule of spirulina powder (these capsules can also find them in the health food stores, pharmacies and even in conventional supermarkets.) The amount is indicated in the own capsule.)


It takes the bottle that you are used to drinking coconut water. Also add Spirulina powder, for then, close the bottle and shake. It's a very energetic natural drink because coconut water is rich in potassium, while Spirulina, contains magnesium, essential amino acids and vitamins of the Group B (B1, B2 and B6).

Orange and flax seeds:

Make your own natural energy drinks


Two orange juice
2 tablespoons of flax oil


First we get the juice from two oranges. Then in the Blender mix orange juice along with the two tablespoons of oil of linen, this mode will be more homogeneous mixture. Then, take it to the refrigerator 10 minutes if you want to drink it fresh. This drink has a very appropriate contribution of magnesium, potassium and vitamins of the Group C. For his part, flaxseed oil has the virtue of lowering orange sugar component in blood, making it very suitable for our health.

Banana and spinach:

Make your own natural energy drinks


1 banana
3 leaves of spinach
1 cup of cold water


We started washing the spinach, well then, Peel the banana and bring it to the Blender along with the spinach and a glass of fresh water. He tries to obtain a homogeneous good juice. You can add if want you a few cubes of ice, even a teaspoon of honey. Thanks to this drink, you will get an excellent composition based on potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Ginger and turmeric:

Make your own natural energy drinks


1 chopped fresh ginger twist
1 remotely of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of honey
1 glass of fresh water


The first thing is to wash and chop ginger. Then, we have been to a cup of boiling water ginger and turmeric for the infusion of the same. It allows it to rest 10 minutes and then filters the content. Now add the tablespoon of honey and stir well. For a fresh drink, add if want you a glass of cool water and ice cubes. These spices are very healthy and energetic a peculiar flavor that will improve your circulation and bring you energy in a natural way.
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.


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