Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to make drinks to improve mood

Our State of mind influences the way we think, feel and behave with those around us. When depression invades us, our perception of life changes, and this can affect both our lives and the people that surround us; In addition, feelings of sadness, anxiety and distress, interfere in the activities that we perform daily, avoid that we play well in our work, study, etc.
It is very important to pay attention to our moments of depression, since when they become something chronic may seriously affect our health. The most recommended in these cases is to seek help from a professional, since it is the only one who can formulate an appropriate treatment.
For milder depression problems, as well as for those moments where our State of mind is not the best, there are some tips and home remedies that can help us to increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is a key hormone in the treatment of depression.

How to make drinks to improve mood

1- 5 key tips to improve our State of mind:

To not suffer the consequences of stress and depression, 5 key tips that can help you to change your state of mind to make you smile you to life and don't enjoy each moment you leave:

Listen to music: music therapy is increasingly more recommended to treat stress, depression and many other health problems. Music plays a significant part in our State of mind and can become our best medicine. It is ideal to have at hand a few good songs that invite you to encourage you and that inject you a good dose of energy. He avoids music with negative messages, since effects can be contrary.
Avoids the consumption of fast food: fast food, in addition to making you gain weight more easily, also is responsible for depression, anxiety, changes in mood and hyperactivity, among others. So have revealed several investigations, which agree in saying that this food can affect various emotional problems.
Relaxing activities: If you have free time in the day, perform activities such as meditation or yoga. This will help you to relax and is ideal for free yourself from stress, bad thoughts and everything else may obstruct your happiness. You can also choose to go to a spa, a beauty salon, or you go shopping.
Writes: because they are the things that you should be thankful with life or some motivational phrases, this will help you combat those moments of sadness or depression.
Exercise: exercise, as well as having multiple health benefits, is also ideal for fighting sadness, depression, anxiety and all those emotions that lower you mood. A good exercise routine or practice any sports activity, can help you have better state of mind.

2- Energy drink to lift your mood:

This powerful and delicious drink is ideal to lift mood and give a better face to our day to day. Its ingredients are vitamins and minerals that are key to boost serotonin levels.


1 orange.
1 slice of pineapple.
1/2 plantain.
1 tablespoon wheat germ.

What should you do?

Extracts the orange juice and pour it into a blender along with the other ingredients. Beat a few minutes and remove when they are fully integrated. Well cool juice drink.

3- Rich in potassium juice to boost morale:

This potassium-rich juice can also help us to improve our mood when we feel that things are not well in our life.


A bunch of parsley.
2 stalks of celery.
5 carrots.
A bunch of spinach.

What should you do?

If you have a juicer you can enter ingredients and drinking the juice well cool. Another option is to put all the ingredients in the blender and add a little water to facilitate the blending of ingredients.

How to make drinks to improve mood

4- Smoothie to lift your mood:

This powerful juice is ideal for fighting fatigue and the bad mood, either by decay, depression, stress or anxiety. Its ingredients provide vitamins A, B and C, calcium, potassium and other minerals key to combat the bad mood.


1 serving of melon.
1/2 plantain.
1 and glasses of milk.
Powdered cinnamon.
3 tablespoons of honey.
1/2 tablespoon of vanilla.
2 blackberries.

What should you do?

First, you must blend melon, milk, banana and the three tablespoons of honey. Then, Add vanilla and will whisk well until it is well blended. Finally decorate with two blackberries and a little cinnamon.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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