Friday, July 10, 2015

Artichoke soup to treat fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease is one of the most common realities in our population. Improper nutrition, excess weight and bad habits of life, make our liver go losing its functionality, leaving fat to accumulate on it. What if we started to change our food? What if we benefit from a good artichoke soup?

Artichoke soup to treat fatty liver disease

1- How can help me with my fatty liver artichokes?

Are you a fan of artichokes? Then you're in luck, because this Queen of vegetables stands as a genuine remedy for our health. Takes note of its benefits:
It has cynarin, is offering you slightly bitter taste that stimulates the secretion of bile, thus improving the digestion and detoxifying the liver.
Chlorogenic acid, a major antioxidant.
It gives us also acid cinarosido, a flavonoid with Anti inflammatory action.
And what about your plant sterols? essential to reduce cholesterol.
Let us also remember that our liver is affected by the excess of proteins and fats of animal origin, making him sick. Well, maybe all those foods that have a slight bitter taste like artichokes (such as radish, parsley or Eggplant) allow us to improve our liver functions, aiding in the digestion of fats, also avoiding gas and acidity.
Also the artichokes manage to congest the liver, draining the gallbladder and regenerating liver cells turn to help her cure in case of any associated disease.

2- The artichoke soup recipe to cure our liver:

Artichoke soup to treat fatty liver disease

What do we need?

4 artichokes cooked and clean
3/4 prepared vegetable broth
A large onion
A Leek.
Olive oil
Fresh parsley

Artichoke soup to treat fatty liver disease

How do we prepare it?

It is very easy, you will see. To prepare this soup of artichokes the first thing we will do is cut into small pieces the onion, leaving to make doradita in the pan with a drizzle of olive oil. We will also add the leek, also cut and finely chopped if possible.
Well, when you see that the onion changes color and is already golden brown, it is time to add the artichokes (which will have already cooked and cut into quarters). The sauté a little along with the onion and leek, then, turn off the heat and all lead it to a blender to crush it. We try to obtain a finite well cream the ingredients. We reserve.
Then, in a pot, put to heat the vegetable broth that we had prepared previously. Add a sprig of parsley and leave it to warm.
When the broth begins to boil, will be the time to add the sauce that we've done before, artichokes, leeks and mashed onion. Add little by little, including a bit of pepper. Low fire and leaves that's finished simmering middle for about ten minutes.
Do you think it is easy? I have done, if you wish you can add a few croutons of bread in the soup. You know, to get them you just put a few cubes of bread fried with a little oil, salt and pepper. When they are golden and crispy and you will have them ready. Leave to cool and join them in your soup of artichokes. You can take it two to three times a week. You sit very well and you'll love it.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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