Friday, June 5, 2015

Causes of yellow tongue and how to treat it

Sometimes the yellow tongue appears and we care to believe that there is a problem. However, yellow tongue is a benign condition caused by pigmentation that cause some bacteria that rarely involves a major medical problem.

Causes of yellow tongue and how to treat it

1- The causes of yellow tongue:

Usually people develop a yellow tongue when your taste buds swell and allow the adhesion of the bacteria, and may even feel the tongue with lint or small lumps. Some of the common causes include: lack of oral hygiene, medications, fever, dehydration, or even breathing through the mouth.

2- The staining solution:

Immediate treatment is very simple, because it consists of brushing the tongue brush or scraper. When the fever or cold are the cause, you can wait for that these symptoms remit, because then the yellow language problem will also be solved.
People who smoke or consume much tea or coffee must moderate their diets if they want to solve the problem of yellow tongue. Smoking or chewing tobacco can reduce the production of saliva, which is in charge of clean harmful bacteria from the mouth, so a reduction in the amount of the same, can lead to an increase of bacteria on the tongue.
Although nicotine substitutes can stop the need to consume this product, many of its effects persist.
Breathing through the mouth, either as a result of allergies that block the nostrils or promptly by any flu, may also cause this coloration in the language. This is due to the fact that the mouth dries and becomes a very supportive environment for the development of certain bacteria or fungi that ultimately would lead to the appearance of yellow tongue.

3- Other causes for the appearance of this symptom:

However, if there is no apparent reason for the yellowing of the language, would be suitable to go to a doctor who makes a crop taking a saliva sample and determine the organisms present in it, because sometimes the Candida colored mouth and forms a layer of white or yellow, It can be treated without any problems with proper medication, but without it, it is very difficult to eradicate. If the cause is candidiasis, he is recommended to do additional tests, as we are possibly low defenses and you should know why.
Some diseases, such as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and diseases of the liver (jaundice, hepatitis, etc.), cause this pigmentation, but usually when this happens, the disease has already been diagnosed by other symptoms and probably your doctor will warn you of the possible emergence of yellow tongue.

Causes of yellow tongue and how to treat it

4- The theory of traditional Chinese medicine:

In traditional Chinese medicine, this coloration in the language is considered a deficiency of Yang and is related to an excess of moist heat that affects the function of the spleen and stomach.
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