Sunday, May 17, 2015

Inflamed liver: symptoms and proper diet

Inflamed liver is a fairly common disorder. What is medically known as hepatomegaly. This essential organ suddenly acquires an enlarged beyond its limits.
It causes pain and requires a treatment that our doctors will have to be considered as our case. But what are its most obvious symptoms? What diet can follow at home to supplement medical recommendations? We teach it yourself then.

Inflamed liver: symptoms and proper diet

1- Symptoms of an inflamed liver:

Can you locate where is your liver? It's simple: its lower edge sits right up to the underside of the ribs on the right side.
If the liver is normal, stable situation and its usual size, not we will notice it when we place our fingers under the edge of the ribs (unless you breathe, for example, very deeply). Normally on the examinations we doctors do they warn immediately if the liver is inflamed or not. Living it, you will notice your presence in this part of the body.
But what about us? What symptoms we have noticed in our day to day? It should be noted that the liver problems may be filed at the beginning of asymptomatic, so I don't notice. However, little by little the following dimensions will be more obvious:

1. The pain:

Inflamed liver pain tends to be quite dull, sharp and annoying. It appears little by little and reaches ever greater intensity. The annoyance is focused just on the right side, remember: always in the right and on the upper side of the abdomen.
You can reach the lumbar zone, i.e., focus on that same side but also on the back. You will notice as a kind of very accused fatigue that never goes unnoticed. If you take pain relievers, you can verify that the relief will only be momentary.

2. Nausea and general malaise:

We can spoil the appetite. Foods with excess fat, meat and many seasoned flour, are very difficult to digest. We noticed how after eating, fatigue is more accused, and nausea, dizziness come.
The doctors often us also indicate that symptoms of tiredness and discomfort often more defendants in the mornings. We must remember that our liver, as well as the lymphatic system, exercising its cleansing functions mostly at night.
To be inflamed liver can not be performed in optimal way, whereupon it will see how mornings tend to be that stretch of the day that more difficult to deal with.

Inflamed liver: symptoms and proper diet

3. Fever:

Having a few tenths of a fever now we must be alert. It is a sign of an infection, a disturbance in our body that needs medical attention. Never forget that fever is a natural reaction of the body to defend itself against any foreign elements.
It goes to the doctor so that you find out the origin and cause of the inflamed liver.

4. Jaundice:

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin, which may also appear in our eyes. It is one of the more obvious symptoms that there is a problem, a disturbance in the functioning of our liver.
But where does that yellow color comes from? Bilirubin, a byproduct of old red blood cells, obvious answer that our liver is not debugged as it should. That are accumulating elements that must be expelled from our body.

5. Abnormalities in stool:

It is not always pleasant to pay attention to those moments in which we are in the bathroom. But it is worth pausing a few seconds in taking care of our urine, our stool color. They say a lot about our health.
If they are suddenly a whitish color, tell your doctor. It may be due to a disease that your doctor will determine. It can be a virus or hepatitis, and hence lead to our liver inflammation. It is a possibility, but always count on the medical assessment.

Inflamed liver: symptoms and proper diet

2- Diet to treat the inflamed liver:

A tablespoon of olive oil with a bit of lemon juice in the mornings: something healing and really medicinal to treat liver diseases. It acts as tonic, protective and revitalising the liver. Every day, will reduce the inflammation.
Water of artichokes with lemon juice. An ideal treatment for each day. Beam cooking two artichokes. Add the juice of one lemon to the resulting water. Must get at least 3 or 4 glasses of water, enough to go drinking throughout the day.
Beet (beetroot) with grated carrot salad. Delicious, very suitable to treat your inflamed liver healing and a natural cocktail of vitamins and minerals.
Herbal teas for every day: do you know what are the best medicinal plants for our inflamed liver? The milk thistle and dandelion. You can take both every day, at breakfast and after your lunch. Drink slowly, calmly using if want you some natural sweetener such as honey. You know that Thistle is available in your natural stores, both infusion and tablets. An option always proper for our inflamed liver.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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