Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Easy Smoothie to have for healthy skin

To have a healthy and radiant skin our organism is necessary to provide the nutrients necessary to keep hydrated and young, so although multiple treatments and creams exist to take care of the skin, the feeding also is key to maintain its health. When our organism is poisoned and our body stops eliminating all the garbage that he does not need, this turns out to be reflected in our skin and there can appear different alterations that can affect our beauty. 
To maintain our beautiful, young, free imperfection skin and healthy we can bear in mind some of the following Quick and Healthy Shakes, which are going to provide the necessary nutrients to our body to eliminate the toxins and to hydrate the skin.

Quick and Healthy Shake Smoothie Juice to hydrate prevent the aging of the skin acne scars Dead skin cells wrinkles

1-Smoothie for Dead skin cells:

This Smoothie is ideal to restore the collagen of the skin, to prepare the premature aging, to hydrate and to maintain the flexibility of the skin.
To make this Smoothie combine 1 water glass or milk. 2 kiwis to bits. 1 orange juice. 1 cup of cut strawberries. 4 ice blocks and Sugar to taste little of ice and to consume the well-worn fresh good., blend until smooth. You can prepare it 2 or 3 times per week and drink several times a day.

2-Smoothie to fight the acne and the greasy skin:

This powerful Smoothie is recommended to prepare the acne and to eliminate the fat excesses in the skin.
Take 150 g of Raspberries. 2 big melon tracks. 1 celery stem. Mineral water.
Blend all until they are completely integrated and add sweetener to the taste. The recommended is to consume it is beaten two times for week for two months.

3-Smoothie to embellish the dehydrated skins and devitalizes:

The dehydration is one of the problems that more fond the health of the skin, since it causes re dryness and other alterations that affect significantly the beauty. This delightful Smoothie is ideal to revitalize the skin and to restore the hydration that needs to stay healthy.
1 glass of mineral water. lemon. 10 grapes. 2 apples with skin, cut in small cubes. Honey or (optional) sweetener.Combine in the blender, to beat a few minutes and, without tippling, drinking immediately. Bear in mind that the fruit oxidizes very easily therefore, if you reserve it for many hours, it can lose many of its properties. This juice consumes 3 times per week, on an empty stomach or with the breakfast to make use of all its anti rust properties.

Quick and Healthy Shake Smoothie Juice to hydrate prevent the aging of the skin acne scars Dead skin cells wrinkles

4-Smoothie for skins with acne scars:

The Scars are one of the most common alterations in the skin. They can stem from hormonal problems, bad feeding, or excess of fat in the skin, between others. To fight these annoying scars that affect your beauty do not hesitate to prepare this powerful Smoothie with, 1 big papaya track. 1 piece of garlic. Rice molasses to the taste. apple with skin. 1 linseed spoonful,blend till smooth adding water to facilitate its integration. To drink without tippling, preferably on an empty stomach.

5-Green Smoothie to hydrate the skin:

The green Smoothies have become popular very much in the last years since it has been proved that they are very healthy and that they contribute to the loss of weight. This Smoothie especially is ideal to hydrate the skin and to prepare the premature aging.
Take 1 cucumber. 1 alfalfa spoonful. 1 celery stick. 1 clove of garlic. 2 glasses of mineral water. Peel the clove of garlic and extract the seeds to the cucumber. Clean the rest of the ingredients and spend everything for the blender. The ideal thing is to consume this well-worn fresh good, on an empty stomach, to make use of all its properties.

Quick and Healthy Shake Smoothie Juice to hydrate prevent the aging of the skin acne scars Dead skin cells wrinkles

6-Smoothie to prevent the aging of the skin:

This powerful Smoothie is rich in anti rust and other nutrients that are key to fight the free radicals and to eliminate these toxins that affect the health of the skin. It is recommended to consume it often to prepare the appearance of early wrinkles and any sign of the premature aging.
 2 medium-sized red tomatoes. 1 spoonful of liquid chlorophyll. 1 handle of germinated of soya fresh and sterile. 1 stick of celery. 1 piece of parsley. 1 pinch of salt of sea. Combine in the blender and to add enough water to facilitate the fruit drink. When it is ready, to season with little salt of sea and a few drops of lemon juice. You can prepare this juice three times per week and consume at midday.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.


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